Already, in 1759, Voltaire had his character Candide say “ We must cultivate our garden [1] ”. Beyond an invitation to grow fruits, flowers or vegetables, the famous French author suggested that one must take the time to “exercise one's talents”, to discover, to travel the world. What we are offering you, with the Candide collection, is to put your hands on the ground, both symbolically and literally, and to cultivate your patience.
In this world where everything moves quickly, we invite you to slow down: as we appreciate projects even more when they come to fruition after a long period of maturation, we rediscover the pleasure of waiting. Since taking your time requires a good dose of comfort, we suggest safe values like the Peter shorts combined with the Sauge blouse. With simplicity in mind, we rely on our essential bases for looks that stand the test of time. We complete our sets with JOELLE signature belts and accessories.
To make good times grow and germinate good ideas, we turn to the texture of the Nancy or the richness of the material of the Rebbie dress. We appreciate the sweetness of taking time for ourselves thanks to the delicacy and beauty of the Gardenia dress.
At JOELLE, with Candide , we hope that you will want to take care of yourself as much as we want to pamper you. After all, we reap whatever we sow because we love each other, right?
[1] Voltaire, Candide or Optimism , 1759.