Sortir-de-l-ombre JOELLE Collection

Coming out of the shadows 🌖

“Ahh… I can’t wear this thing, I don’t have the body for it!” »
" What a funny idea! You can't mix these patterns! »
“Such a cut will not benefit me, that’s for sure…”

If you find the book on the laws of fashion and good taste, we would like you to lend it to us, so we can take a quick look. More seriously, girls , aren't you tired of limits? However, you know the JOELLE philosophy: there are no restrictions. This month, we invite you to come out of the shadows and reveal your true fashion personality. No more complexes and boundaries: we finally wear what we want when we want.

In fashion as in the arts, everything is a question of perspective and point of view: depending on the disposition in which we find ourselves to appreciate a work, we will have a completely changed opinion of it. The same goes for clothes: we can’t say it enough, dare to place your pieces differently to give them a new look. Better yet, dare to circumvent the whims of your body shape, “work” with, and not against, your body. For example, create verticals by judiciously placing your Ubud in the front to lengthen your silhouette. There you have it, an obstacle overcome! Want to go beyond another? Combine patterns from pieces like Pirouline and Noah for a bold look. You have the right, I promise, and, even more, you will be unique. It's all in the balance of your ensemble: achieve it by recalling the shades or by combining patterns of different sizes to harmonize your styles. Bingo, another obstacle removed!

The Sortir de l'ombre collection focuses on living and vibrant colors: we leave behind us the difficult times we have known, we chase away the grayness and we focus on dynamism by displaying our most beautiful shades. In fact, why settle for being normal, or worse, ordinary, when you can stand out by shining? Make room for a star in your look with statement pieces like Minnie and Bonenza and show your true colors.

Today's world is finally opening up to diversity, in so many spheres of society.

Follow the movement: dare!

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