Happy International Dog Day... or rather, Happy International MOKO Day!
Some will say that dogs are just animals, but allow me, on this International Dog Day, to pay tribute to my friend, my sidekick, my most faithful companion: Moko.
Moko and I met in the summer of 2005. Obviously, we immediately liked each other. I was barely 18 years old at the time, at the dawn of adult life, ready to rush into the pile (you know me a little, anyway) to fulfill my 1001 dreams. With Moko by my side in my escapades, anything was possible; moving to an apartment, working to earn a living: I was ready to take on all the challenges. Certainly, with hindsight, I can see that little Joelle at the time needed to hit a few knots before finding the right path, but one constant point remains: Moko. In all the changes of course, the moves and the upheavals, Moko has always been my point of reference. Faithful, ready to follow me everywhere, he accompanied me while adapting perfectly to all the new realities to which I subjected him.
In my wild twenties, I finally found my path: I was going to take my passion for fashion and start my own business. Moko, during this time, had also acquired a good maturity (you will understand that I skipped the chapter of the troubled early childhood of my naughty mutt who liked to cause damage. There are parts of our story that 'we prefer to pass, don't we?). Every day, he accompanied me to work, so much so that we nicknamed him “The Controller”. Yes, he was the one who warmly welcomed visitors to our office. Better yet, he also took advantage of my love of clothes to sport his legendary bow ties and other stylish necklaces. Rarely have we seen a little dog wearing the Burberry pattern so proudly.
Then, Moko became my little boy’s big brother. What luck, though! Having become a wise grandpa, Moko watched over my son, agreeing to let himself be caressed by his clumsy little hands, to let him play in his red fur. One day, after 15 and a half years by my side, Moko came to the end of his journey and left us, satisfied with the beautiful and long full life he had.
Dogs may just be animals, but making a place for them in our lives means giving ourselves a better friend.
Thank you Moko for all these beautiful years. I hope you're emptying tons of trash, snacking on designer shoes, and eating expensive tank tops where you are.